How can I get a washer and dryer into my van (by myself) - let alone more than 100 heavy boxes - with this mound of snow in the way?
Landmark Square Apartments management is doing nothing to make it easier for trucks who need to load, unload or provide services to the apartments. Management has a snow blower that could be used to eliminate parts of the snow mounds they created between the sidewalk and the street, but they refuse.I asked management on Thursday for a cut-away so I could start loading my van on Monday. They told me they don't want me to pull my van up on the sidewalk; but, that's exactly what they asked me to do when I moved in! Now they tell me I have to use the tiny cut-away path they improved upon - which I created myself a few weeks earlier for my neighbors who walked their dogs and who had to carry groceries from their cars parked across the street - which is NOT in front of my steps. AND management insists I must ask the city if I may park on the other side of the street when loading my van.
This is passive-aggressive behavior... again. This is no way to treat good tenants who are quiet, obey the rules and pay rent on time every time. (New tenants, be forewarned: once you live here you will be treated as if you were bad children.)
Yet, you will see in the pictures that nobody - carpet cleaners they hire and incoming tenants - is doing that, but instead they are both inconvenienced and are blocking traffic. When I tried to pass the carpet cleaning van in my van (same size), I couldn't do it without exchanging paint with the other van and had to back up and use a less convenient route. On Saturday, when new tenants parked their rented truck in the street to unload, they blocked traffic and cars had to back up. There were no parking spaces on the other side of the street for them to park and I doubt if they asked the city - on a weekend - for permission to park on the "wrong" side of the street, facing the wrong direction. My intention is to avoid inconveniencing my neighbors.
So with terrible back pain I am shoveling the packed snow away myself, a little each day so that I can load my van. The Property Manager's mother is my age. Would she expect her mother to do this kind of work, when it would take her crew less than a minute to do it with a snow blower?
And yes, the property manager knows that I'm writing a book about people who do exactly what she is doing instead of showing kindness and compassion... when offered a choice.
If Landmark Square Apartments could make two cut-aways around the fire hydrant after I asked for one for me, why not one big cut-away at the bottom of my steps as well? But that would show kindness and consideration for someone who has contributed to their salaries for a year, wouldn't it?
This is what I accomplished yesterday.
And this what I did today. (It snowed again overnight so I had more to remove.)
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