Sunday, February 28, 2010

Last day in the apartment

This morning I awoke in a state of panic at the thought of being home-less tonight. Not for myself, but for Casper. I know he isn't taking this move well. He is seeing familiar objects go out the door and not return. He's seen strangers take things away; perhaps he thinks he's next.  He went to the vet on Friday and I think he may be fearing he is destined for more surgery. I try to reassure him with talking, petting and hugging but he is hiding, alternately in an upstairs closet and a box he commandeered that came with assemble-it-yourself plastic shelving. 

Today I will be busy with little time to devote to comforting him. My agenda is:

1. Mop the kitchen and bathroom floors. The vacuuming was finished last night.
2. Clean the kitchen sink and countertops. The cupboard doors were done yesterday.
3. Collect all the night lights which we can use in the van.
4. Bring the cot and bedding downstairs.
5. Take a shower and then clean out the tub and sink.
6. Dismantle, wash, and pack the cat's water fountain.
7. Take all the trash to the dumpster.
8. Dismantle the cable TV, phones, and router.
9. Bring my remaining clothes, bath supplies, and cot downstairs.
10. Shovel the porch, walk and path to the street so I can fill the van.
11. Make a trip to the storage unit with the vacuum, TVs, mops, brooms and mailbox.
12. Organize the storage room a bit better.
13. Put into the van: floor insulation, carpet, commode, fridge, curtains, heater, laptop desk, clothes, 100 foot utility cord, water jug, etc.
14. Have dinner with Delly and Jason... and relax while Casper waits for me at the apartment.
15. Return to the apartment to get the microwave, laptop, powerbox, scratching post, litter box, and anything left.
16, Drop off keys to the management office.
17. Return to Delly and Jason's to park for the night and hook up to their electricity to heat the van.

Hopefully, things will go as smoothly as they have so far this week. Monday I will figure out where our next nights will be until our first housesitting assignment.

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