Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day of Rest

I've been overdoing it. During the night and this morning I was in acute lower back pain, so much so that I could hardly walk and was literally in tears. Two Ibuprofen tablets and a heating pad were doing little, so I have spent the day (so far) in bed watching HGTV and keeping hydrated. Casper has been sleeping at my feet; I think he knows I'm not doing well today. Twelve hours later the pain has subsided only a little, not enough for me to do any physical work today.

Depression has been setting in. Actually the feeling is more a mixture of overwhelm, anxiety, fear of the unknown, and a feeling that I don't have a sense of where I belong. First, I'm realizing I need moving help. About all I can do is get everything packed and labeled. I really need to delegate the moving to others. I don't know exactly how this will come about, but I'll find a way.

My hope is that if I take it easy today I may be able to get all the packing done tomorrow, and quite a bit of the moving on Saturday and Sunday, the only days when the weather is expected to be sunny.

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