Saturday, January 30, 2010

Grandmother's Limoges

Tomorrow I'm selling my grandmother's Theodore Haviland Limoges china to a friend I met on Freecycle. She lives close by and already invited me to park in her driveway and in front of her house so I knew she was good people.

The set is probably worth $1500 to $2500 and I'm selling it for $100. It's been in the Reynolds family since my grandparents were married in 1906. But I have no children, grandchildren, siblings, cousins, nieces, nephews, or distant relations to hand them to.

I haven't held any dinner parties since 1985; and even if my life turned around and I was once again well-known, well-liked and had more than one friend to invite for dinner, I still have a complete set of Minton china that was my father's and step-mother's. They married in 1959. The pattern (Greenwich) was discontinued in 1979. Their marriage lasted until 1977 when my step-mother died of cancer.

It is worth it to me to sell my grandmother's Limoges china for a modest price to a young family that will be able to enjoy them for many more years. And selling the set now means two fewer boxes for me to move to storage for who-knows-how-many months or years. But I have photos of all the pieces to remember, and I think my grandmother would be happy.

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